Hi, I'm Alex Harting, my friends call me Sparks. I was born in Germany, longer ago than I care to remember, so let's just say that I'm old enough to know better but young enough not to care.
A couple of years ago I was undergoing techie training with the Harting Technology Group when I met Mr T at the Plaza exhibition. He was so impressed by my technical know-how that he offered me a job working with him at Junior King's School.
It was such a great offer, how could I refuse! So I handed in my notice at Harting and made my way to Sturry. It's a long way from London to Sturry (especially when you stop for your summer hols on the way) and while I was travelling it occurred to me that I should keep track of what I've been doing and that my friends and family might like to know too.
So I decided to start a web site and here it is. There's some photos, my blog and some other stuff that I find interesting so take a look around. Working at Junior King's gives me lots to write about.